Senior Class Important Dates

Timeline of Events 


9 – Dillard’s New Year Celebration

  • Seniors Wear Class Shirt ($15) & 2017 Gear
  • Countdown and Toast Off during Breakfast in Cafe
  •  A & B Lunch Day Party on the Patio

10 – Country Club Day

  • Seniors will wear country club attire to school.

11 –  Senior Citizen Day

  • Seniors dress up as senior citizens.

12 –  Denim Day

  • Seniors will wear the all denim attire to school. 

19 – Senior Superlative Pictures

30 – Grad Bash Payments Begin ($175)


 3 – Grad Bash Payments End ($175) 

11 – ACT TEST 

17 – Seniors Wear Class Shirt


3 – Cap & Gown Pictures

11 – SAT Test

17 – Seniors Wear Class Shirt


8 – ACT Test

17 – Seniors Wear Class Shirt

21 – Community Service Hours (min. 40hrs) Due to Ms. Law

 29 – Grad Bash Field Trip @ Orlando


12 – Yearbook Release Party       

17 – SAT Test

TBA – Prom- $140 estimate

Florida Shines Bright Future Scholarship Information Now Online

Florida Shines is a website where high school students can log in and check their Bright Futures Status and GPA.  Please follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to
  2. Go to the “Go to College” section
  3. Go to “Pay For College”
  4. Scroll down to “Bright Futures Scholarship (Check Now)”

Note: the Student Log-In is the student’s external number which may be either their Social Security Number with an X at the end or their Student ID (06……..)

Visual & Performing Arts College Fair Comes To Dillard

Performing and Visual Arts College Fairs give colleges, universities, festivals, conservatories and other postsecondary institutions the opportunity to meet with thousands of college-bound students and their parents.
For the growing number of students pursuing a college degree in music, theater, art, dance, and other related disciplines, this event offers a unique opportunity to get a head start on planning for college.


Student registration is an easier and much faster way for colleges and universities to get your information so that they can follow up with you after the fair. When you register, you enter your contact information, academic interests, graduation year and your high school and then receive your own personalized barcode. Once you print this barcode out and take it to the fair, college representatives can scan them as a way to retrieve this information from you, eliminating the need to fill out information cards.

Senior Textbook News

Please return all textbooks to Student Affairs, Ms. Mathews ASAP. Senior Exams are quickly approaching and Senior textbooks need to be returned to school to avoid any obligations. Make sure that you are being responsible and taking care of all requirements and obligations for a successful graduation. Finish Strong Seniors!

Free ACT/SAT Resources Available

Free SAT/ACT Resources

The following chart contains online 􀁕􀁈􀁖􀁒􀁘􀁕􀁆􀁈􀁖􀀃􀁉􀁒􀁕􀀃􀁖􀁗􀁘􀁇􀁈􀁑􀁗􀁖􀀃􀁖􀁓􀁈aimed at providing assistance with preparation for the SAT and ACT college entrance exams. All of the resources listed are free for student use and can be accessed from school or home.

Contained within these sites are study guides, practice tests, tutorials, detailed lessons, videos, and college planning tools. This is in no way 􀁄􀀃􀁇􀁈􀃀􀁑􀁌􀁗􀁌􀁙􀁈􀀃􀁏􀁌􀁖􀁗􀀃􀁒􀁉􀀃􀁕􀁈􀁖􀁒􀁘􀁕􀁆􀁈􀁖􀀃􀁉􀁒􀁕􀀃􀁗􀁋􀁈􀀃and ACT exams, but should serve as a strong starting point for students seeking additional assistance with preparation for these important assessments.


Brainfuse  (SAT & ACT) –

Provides free tutoring and skills-building aligned to the SAT and ACT. Tutors and students communicate in real time in an online classroom by typing, drawing, and marking-up lessons and web content.

Chegg (SAT & ACT) –

This online test preparation resource provides practice tests and quizzes, lessons in each area of the tests, and online tutors. Covering both the SAT and ACT assessments, this site provides learning platforms as videos, text guides, and problem/solutions. The ACT section covers English, mathematics, reading, science, writing, and an overview of the assessment. The SAT section covers mathematics, critical reading, writing, and an overview.

Khan Academy (SAT only) –

This online test preparation resource provides practice tests and quizzes, lessons in each area of the tests, and online tutors.  Covering both the SAT and ACT assessments, this site provides learning platforms as videos, text guides, and problem/solutions. The ACT section covers English, mathematics, reading, science, writing, and an overview of the assessment. The SAT section covers mathematics, critical reading, writing, and an overview. (SAT & ACT) –

Free resource that provides students with SAT and ACT questions and monitors their progress. By creating an account students can access a customized course that includes user-friendly tutorials, practice sessions that dynamically adapt to each student’s ability level, and a vocabulary builder. A college planning tool is also available on the site.

Sparknotes (SAT & ACT) –

Provides online practice test, flashcards for studying, and comprehensive study guides for both the SAT and ACT/  The site also gives overview information as well as what to expect on testing day.

Testing & Education Reference Center (SAT & ACT) –

Site contains over 300 practice tests and courses that includes SAT and ACT. In addition to dozens of ebooks containing valuable study material, the site also features information on over 4,000 accredited universities, a scholarship search, and a resume builder tool.

Union Test Prep (SAT & ACT) –

Provides online practice test, flashcards for studying, and comprehensive study guides for both the SAT and ACT/  The site also gives overview information as well as what to expect on testing day.

DHS Sponsors 2016 College Tour

Mr. Witherspoon is preparing for a 3 Day College Tour for Dillard High School Seniors. The tour will take place February 17-19, 2016. Only 50 students will be able to attend based on a first come first served basis. A deposit of $50 is due Janurary 15, 2016. The remaining balance is due Februrary 5, 2016. If you are interested in this wonderful experience please stop by Mr. Witherspoon office for more information.

Download The Flyer For More Information

DHS To Host FAMU Scholarship & Recruitment Program

Dillard High School will host the FAMU Scholarship & Recruitment Show January 13, 2016 in the DCA Theater beginning at 10:30 AM. The event will feature on the spot admission opportunities. See Mr. Witherspoon to sign up.  A COMPLETED application to FAMU is required to attend the event. Applications and passes can be obtained in Mr. Witherspoon’s office in guidance.

Email Mr. Witherspoon | Download The Flyer